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mgr Reza Abouali
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Immunology
Grażyna Achramowicz
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Research and Technical Support Unit
dr hab. Monika Adamczak-Retecka, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of European Law and Comparative Law
mgr Monika Adamczuk
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Centrum Zrównoważonego Rozwoju
dr hab. Marek Adamiec
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Elżbieta Adamowicz
Faculty of Economics
Department of Transport Economics
dr Magdalena Adamowicz
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Maritime Law
dr Maciej Adamowski
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Pracownia Biologii Komórki Roślinnej
dr Elżbieta Adamska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Pracownia Chemii i Analityki Kosmetyków
dr Joanna Adamska
Faculty of Economics
Department of Sustainable Market Processes
dr hab. Krystyna Adamska, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Social Psychology
mgr Roya Adavoudi Jolfaei
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Pracownia Genomiki Ewolucyjnej Ssaków
dr Izabela Adrych-Brzezińska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Civil Law
dr Renata Afranowicz-Cieślak, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
Laboratory of Geobotanics and Nature Conservation
mgr Małgorzata Aftańska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
mgr Tomasz Aftański
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
dr Michalina Ahmad
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of Media Theory, History and Language
dr Borhan Ahmadi
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
New Quantum Resources
dr hab. Dejan Ajdačić, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Division of Slavonic and Balkan Studies
dr hab. Anna Aksmann, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
mgr inż. Dagmara Alaburda
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Bibliografii i Bibliometrii
mgr Magdalena Albrecht
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Bibliografii i Bibliometrii
dr Ross Aldridge
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Applied Linguistics
Zakład Lingwistyki Edukacyjnej
mgr Danuta Aleksandrowicz
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Payroll Department
dr Olga Aleksandrowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Językoznawstwa Korpusowego i Glottodydaktyki
dr Javier Antonio Alfaro
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
prof. dr hab. Robert Alicki
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Katarzyna Ambroziak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
mgr Beata Andryjenko-Jeruzal
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Payroll Department
Sekcja Umów Cywilnoprawnych
mgr Paulina Andrzejczak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of East Asian Culture and Languages
mgr Piotr Andrzejewski
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
Translation Section
dr Paulina Anikiej-Wiczenbach
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Psychologiczna Poradnia Genetycznych Chorób Rzadkich
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Akademickie Centrum Wsparcia Psychologicznego
mgr Argho Aninda Paul
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Immunology
dr Renata Anisiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Regional Development Geography
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Olga Antczak-Orlewska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Paleoecology and Archaeobotany
dr Sławomir Antkiewicz
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of International Financial Markets
mgr Iryna Antonenko
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of Russian Language Pragmatics, Communication and Didactics
dr Alicja Antonowicz
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
dr hab. Paweł Antonowicz, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
prof. dr hab. Iwona Anusiewicz
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Theoretical Chemistry
Pracownia Chemii Kwantowej
mgr Małgorzata Apanowicz
Faculty of Biology
Department of General and Medical Biochemistry
Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acid Biochemistry
mgr Tomasz Archutowski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
dr Katarzyna Arciszewska-Tomczak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of Russian Studies, Russian Literature and Culture
mgr inż. Bartłomiej Arciszewski
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Hel Marine Station
mgr Andrzej Arent
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Opracowania Zbiorów
dr Piotr Arłukowicz, prof. UG
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Zakład Inżynierii Oprogramowania
dr hab. Karolina Aszyk-Treppa, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of Journalism and Media
dr Bartosz Atroszko
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Research on Childhood and School
dr hab. Paweł Atroszko, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Psychometrics and Statistics
dr Danuta Augustin-Nowacka
Faculty of Chemistry
Physics-Chemistry Workshops
dr hab. Antoni Augustynowicz, prof. UG
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Mathematical Analysis
mgr Włodzimierz Augustynowicz
dr hab. Jerzy Auksztol, prof. UG
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Informatics
mgr Anne Ausems
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology and ethology
dr Aleksandra Aziewicz
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of Marketing Strategies
dr Dominik Aziewicz
Faculty of Economics
Department of Macroeconomics
dr hab. Anna Babicka-Wirkus
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Material Criminal Law and Criminology
Paulina Babińska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Admissions Office
dr Weronika Babińska-Wensierska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Physical Biochemistry
mgr Marcin Babnis
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Sekcja Informatyczna Wydziału Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki
dr Elżbieta Babula
Faculty of Economics
Department of Microeconomics
mgr Iwona Bach
Faculty of Management
Dean's Office
Full-Time Day Studies
dr Agata Bachórz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Social Anthropology
Pomorska Pracownia Badań nad Kulturą
dr inż. Sylwia Badowska
Faculty of Management
Department of Marketing
dr Jordan Badur
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Oceanografii Fizycznej i Badań Klimatu
Division of Physical Oceanography
dr hab. Monika Badura, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Paleoecology and Archaeobotany
dr hab. Ewa Badyda, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Polish Language
prof. dr hab. Ewa Bagińska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Civil Law
mgr Paula Bajerska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr inż. Beata Bajorowicz
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
mgr Maria Bakiera
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Projektów
Project Financial Services Department
dr Julia Balcerowska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Personality Psychology and Forensic Psychology
mgr Małgorzata Balicka
Faculty of Economics
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Economics
mgr inż. Alan Balla
Faculty of Management
Katedra Zachowań Organizacyjnych
mgr Tomasz Ballaun
Central Administration
IT Centre
WWW Section
dr hab. Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Commercial and Private International Law
Deputy Dean for Research
dr Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil
Faculty of Economics
Department of Sustainable Market Processes
dr Michał Banacki
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Algebra
Lidia Banaszczyk
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Department of Plant Cytology and Embryology
mgr Katarzyna Banaszek
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Ekonomiczna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Dorota Banaszkiewicz
Faculty of Management
Department of Statistics
prof. dr hab. Antoni Banaś
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry
dr hab. Krzysztof Banaś, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology
Deputy Dean for Bechelor's degree studies
Tomasz Bandelak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
mgr inż. Elżbieta Teresa Bandura
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
prof. dr hab. Bogdan Banecki
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Physical Biochemistry
mgr Anna Baran
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Condensed Matter Spectroscopy
Magdalena Baran
Central Administration
Centrum Zarządzania Dokumentacją i Archiwum
General Chancellor’s Office
dr hab. Marek Baran, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Iberian Studies
dr hab. Przemysław Baranow, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy
mgr Karolina Baranowska
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Molecular Photophysics and Didactics of Physics
dr Jacek Barańczuk
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Hydrologii
Miejskie Laboratorium Badań Środowiskowych (Coastal Cities Living Lab - CCLL)
mgr Katarzyna Barańczuk
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Hydrologii
Department of Limnology
mgr Klaudia Barańska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Recombinant Vaccines
dr Sylwia Barańska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
mgr Mateusz Barcikowski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
mgr Anna Barczak
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
dr hab. Maciej Barczewski, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Division of Human Rights and Legal Ethics
dr Adam Barembruch
Faculty of Management
Department of Banking and Finance
dr Thibault Barrit
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology
mgr inż. Joanna Bart
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Neurogenetyki Molekularnej
mgr Agnieszka Bartczak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Udostępniania i Informacji
mgr Dominika Bartnik-Światek
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
mgr Anna Bartosiewicz
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Biuro Finansów i Projektów Strategicznych
mgr Magdalena Bartosiewicz
dr Justyna Barzowska
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Condensed Matter Spectroscopy
mgr inż. Małgorzata Bastian-Michalska
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Technology Transfer Centre
dr Agnieszka Baścik-Remisiewicz, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
dr Ewelina Bator
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
dr Piotr Bauć
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Theory of Education
mgr Danuta Bazant
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
mgr inż. Łukasz Bąbiński
Central Administration
IT Centre
Faculty Networks Administration
mgr Małgorzata Bączek
Faculty of Management
Department of Accounting
dr hab. Anna Bączkowska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Językoznawstawa Teoretycznego i Komputerowego
mgr Dorian Bąk
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Technicznego Utrzymania Nieruchomości
dr hab. Monika Bąk, prof. UG
Faculty of Economics
Department of Transport Economics
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Bąkowski
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Administrative Law
mgr Agnieszka Beck
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Press Office
mgr Karolina Becmer
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Biuro Stypendialne
mgr inż. Edward Bednarczyk
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Technicznego Utrzymania Nieruchomości
mgr Magdalena Bednarek
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office for International Cooperation
dr Agnieszka Bednarek-Bohdziewicz
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Zakład Etnologii Polski i Antropologii Historii
mgr Joanna Bednarska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
mgr Andrzej Bednaruk
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Faculty of Chemistry Site
dr hab. Joanna Bednarz, prof. UG
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of International Trade
dr Natalia Bednarz-Knoll
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
dr hab. Ana Belen Sainz, prof. UG
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
Zespół Fundamentalnych Podstaw Technologii Kwantowych
dr Joanna Belzyt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Special Education
Mariola Katarzyna Bełczykowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Research Office
prof. dr hab. Magdalena Bełdowska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Deputy Dean for Promotion and Development
mgr Patrycja Bełdzińska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biophysics
mgr Krystyna Bembennek
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, sociology and Jurnalism
Division of History of Classical, Medieval and Modern Philosophy
Michał Benikas
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sekcja Informatyczna Wydziału Nauk Społecznych
dr Marek Benio
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Labour Law
dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Zakład Historii Europy Wschodniej
mgr Julia Bereszczyńska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Press Office
mgr Paweł Berezka
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
Pracownia Bioenergetyki
dr Paul Bergold
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Mathematical Analysis
dr Agnieszka Bernat-Wojtowska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
dr hab. Tomasz Besta, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Pracownia Psychologii Środowiskowej i Relacji Międzygrupowych
dr hab. Robert Bęben, prof. UG
Faculty of Management
Department of Marketing
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Uniwersytecki Ośrodek Badań Stosowanych i Międzyobszarowych
Centrum Analiz Procesów Gospodarczych i Zachowań Konsumentów
mgr Wei Bi
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of East Asian Culture and Languages
dr hab. Hanna Biaduń-Grabarek, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Applied Linguistics
Zakład Lingwistyki Wielojęzycznej i Interkulturowej
dr Sylwia Białas
Faculty of Management
Katedra Zachowań Organizacyjnych
mgr Marcin Białek
Central Administration
IT Centre
dr Monika Białek
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of the Anthropology of Visual Representation
dr hab. inż. Anna Białk-Bielińska, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Analytics
Pracownia Chemicznych Zagrożeń Środowiska
Deputy Dean for Science and Development
Szkoła Doktorska przy Wydziale Chemii
dr Paulina Białka
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Didactics and Education of Adults
mgr inż. Małgorzata Białkowska
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Technology Transfer Centre
prof. dr hab. Mariola Bidzan
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Akademickie Centrum Wsparcia Psychologicznego
mgr Ilona Bidzan-Bluma
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Akademickie Centrum Wsparcia Psychologicznego
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
mgr Konrad Bidziński
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology and ethology
Jolanta Bielacka
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Humanistyczna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Jacek Bielak
Faculty of History
Institute of Art History
Division of Early Modern Art
dr Aleksandra Bielawska
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of International Trade
dr Kamila Bielawska
Faculty of Management
Department of Banking and Finance
dr Michalina Bielawska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry
dr Kornel Bielawski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Political Theory
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Centrum Aktywności Studenckiej i Doktoranckiej
"Progress" Journal
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bielawski
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
dr hab. Luiza Bielecka, prof. UG
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Ecosystems Functioning
mgr Jan Krzysztof Bielecki
Faculty of Management
dr Małgorzata Bielenia
Faculty of Economics
Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade
Division of Seaborne Trade
dr hab. Magdalena Bielenia-Grajewska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of English Language Translation Studies
dr hab. Łucja Bieleninik, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
dr Aleksandra Bielicka-Giełdoń
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Pracownia Procesów Zaawansowanego Utleniania
mgr Agnieszka Bielinowicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Prawna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Agnieszka Bielińska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Division of Slavonic and Balkan Studies
mgr Alicja Bielińska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Dean's Office
mgr Gabriela Bielińska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Education Department
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Bieliński
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Tomasz Bieliński
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of International Economic Relations
mgr Michał Biełuszko
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
UG Academic Cultural Center “Alternator”
mgr inż. Tomasz Bieniak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Armatora z jednostką r/v Oceanograf.
Stefania Bieniasz
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Finansów
Finance Section
mgr Agnieszka Bień
Central Administration
University Newspaper "Gazeta Uniwersytecka"
dr Dominik Bień
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Centrum Aktywności Studenckiej i Doktoranckiej
"Progress" Journal
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Political Theory
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs
mgr Łukasz Bień
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Centrum Aktywności Studenckiej i Doktoranckiej
Office - UG Students’ Parliament
mgr inż. Joanna Bieńkowska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean's Office
prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Virus Molecular Biology
dr Anna Biernacka
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
dr Daria Biernacka
Faculty of Biology
Collection of Plasmids and Microorganisms
mgr Beata Bieszczad
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
dr Marta Bieszk
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
Division of German Language and Translation Studies
Patryk Bieszka
Faculty of Management
Dean's Office
Sekcja Informatyczna Wydziału Zarządzania
mgr Łukasz Bieszke
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
prof. dr hab. Jacek Bigda
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Cell Biology and Immunology
Bożena Bigus
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Pracownia Fizykochemii Związków Kompleksowych
mgr Małgorzata Bilau
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Gromadzenia i Uzupełniania Zbiorów
mgr Tomasz Bilau
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr Hubert Bilewicz
Faculty of History
Institute of Art History
Division of Modern Art
dr Paweł Biliński
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Zakład Produkcji Form Audiowizualnych
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Centrum Filmowe im. Andrzeja Wajdy
mgr Natalia Bilska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Dean's office
Dorota Biniakiewicz
Faculty of Economics
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Ekonomicznego
mgr Maksymilian Biniakiewicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
Zakład Poligrafii
mgr Damian Binkowski
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Division of Culture Studies
dr Ewa Binkuńska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Logopaedics
Zakład Patologii Mowy
Zakład Typowego i Atypowego Rozwoju Języka
dr Łukasz Biskupski
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Division of Film and Media
mgr Tanmoy Biswas
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
dr hab. Wojciech Bizon, prof. UG
Faculty of Economics
Department of Macroeconomics
Dean of the Faculty of Economics
prof. dr hab. Artur Blaim
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of English Language Translation Studies
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