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Mariusz Maza
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Armatora z jednostką r/v Oceanograf.
mgr Karol Mazanowski
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Biology and Ecology
Division of Marine Plankton Research
dr Ewa Mazierska-Kerr
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Division of Film and Media
dr Paweł Mazierski
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
mgr Alicja Mazur
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
mgr Jakub Mazur
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biotechnology
prof. dr hab. Hanna Mazur-Marzec
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Biology and Ecology
Division of Marine Biotechnology
dr inż. Kamila Mazur-Oleszczuk
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Artificial Intelligence
dr inż. Paweł Mazurek
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Zakład Informatyki Kwantowej
dr hab. Monika Mazurek-Janasik, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Social Anthropology
Agata Mazurkiewicz
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja Rozliczeń Działalności Dydaktycznej i Funduszy
mgr Alina Mazurkiewicz
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Glottodydaktyki i Przetwarzania Języka Naturalnego
dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Division of Contemporary Polish History
Deputy Dean for Research
Iwona Mazurkiewicz
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Student Social Affairs
mgr Maria Mazurowska
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja ds. Ewidencji Księgowej Projektów
mgr Monika Mechlińska-Pauli
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr Jolanta Megger
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Finansów
Finance Section
prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Meissner
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Avian Ecophysiology
inż. Veronika Mekhno
Central Administration
IT Centre
Faculty Networks Administration
prof. dr hab. Maria Mendel
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Social Pedagogy
mgr Marek Merdalski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology
mgr inż. Barbara Meyer
Faculty of Economics
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Ekonomicznego
mgr Kamila Mędrzycka
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Oceanografii i Geografii
dr Jacek Mianowski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociology of Public Issues and Economics
dr Justyna Miąc
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Ecosystems Functioning
dr Barbara Miceli
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of American Studies
dr Marcin Michalak
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of European Law and Comparative Law
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Rzecznika Rzetelności Naukowej
mgr Elżbieta Michalak-Witkowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Press Office
dr Leszek Michalczyk
Faculty of Management
Department of Accounting
mgr Anna Michalik
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Gromadzenia i Uzupełniania Zbiorów
mgr Katarzyna Michalska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr Klaudia Michalska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
mgr Michalina Michalska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Virus Molecular Biology
dr Dawid Michalski
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of History of Law
dr hab. Maciej Michalski, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Literary Theory and Art Criticism
dr hab. Tomasz Michalski, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Zakład Geografii Politycznej
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
mgr Aneta Michaluk
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja ds. Ewidencji Księgowej Projektów
dr Natalia Michałek
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Informatics
dr Justyna Michałek-Kwiecień
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Research on Family and Quality of Life
dr Lesław Michałowski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociology of Public Issues and Economics
Pomorska Pracownia Badań nad Kulturą
dr Tomasz Michałowski
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Business
Division of International Economic Relations
dr Katarzyna Michniewicz-Veisland
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
prof. dr hab. Piotr Mickiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Public and Social Policy
Rafał Mielczarek
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Sekretariat Biblioteki
Beata Mielewczyk
Central Administration
IT Centre
Programmers Section
mgr Łukasz Mielewczyk
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Artificial Intelligence
Agata Mieniuk
Central Administration
IT Centre
Software Development Department
mgr Bożena Mieszkowska
Faculty of Economics
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Economics
dr Natalia Miękus-Purwin
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
Laboratory of Neurophysiology
prof. dr hab. Mirosław Miętus
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Oceanografii Fizycznej i Badań Klimatu
Division of Physical Oceanography
mgr Katarzyna Migawa
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych
dr Andrzej Migda
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Zakład Studiów nad Religią
dr hab. Kamila Migdał-Najman, prof. UG
Faculty of Management
Department of Statistics
dr hab. Adriana Mika, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Analytics
Pracownia Chemicznych Zagrożeń Środowiska
dr hab. Bartosz Mika, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociology of Public Issues and Economics
dr hab. Elżbieta Mikiciuk, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Drama, Theatre and Performance
dr Jan Miklas-Frankowski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of Social and Cultural Communication
dr Magdalena Miklaszewska
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Pracownia Biotechnologii Roślin
dr hab. Wiesław Miklaszewski, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Maciej Mikliński
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Financial Law
dr Alicja Mikołajczyk
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Science Education and Communication
mgr Tomasz Mikulski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Economic Geography
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr hab. Dorota Miler
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of History of Law
dr hab. Beata Milewska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Polish Language
dr Monika Milewska
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Zakład Etnologii Polski i Antropologii Historii
dr hab. Ireneusz Milewski, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Division of Ancient History
dr hab. Stanisław Milewski, prof. UG
dr hab. Piotr Millati, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Department of Literary History
Barbara Miloch
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Administracja Budynków Międzyuczelnianego Wydziału Biotechnologii UG i GUMed
mgr Natalia Miloch
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sekcja Informatyczna Wydziału Nauk Społecznych
prof. dr hab. Paweł Miłobędzki
Faculty of Management
Department of Econometrics
dr Michał Miłosz
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Court Proceedings
dr Julita Minasiewicz
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
Laboratory of Plant Symbioses
dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Mincewicz
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Health and Safety Inspectorate
Łukasz Mincewicz
Central Administration
IT Centre
Programming Development
mgr Maria Mincewicz
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
University Library Building
mgr Zuzanna Minga
Faculty of Management
Dean's Office
Office - Dean
mgr Edyta Minga-Fedde
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Education Department
dr hab. Monika Mioduchowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Laboratory of Biosystematics and Ecology of Aquatic Invertebrates
mgr Magdalena Miodyńska-Melzer
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
mgr Adam Miotk
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
mgr Mateusz Miotk
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Combinatorial Optimization
dr Marta Miotke-Wasilczyk
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Molecular Photophysics and Didactics of Physics
dr hab. Katarzyna Mirgos, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Division of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
dr Artur Mirocki
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Pracownia Krystalochemii
mgr Dominika Miroszewska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Immunology
mgr Marta Misiewicz
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Marine Geophysics Laboratory
mgr Zbigniew Misiewicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Informatyzacji
mgr Michalina Miszczak
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Pracownia Chemoinformatyki Środowiska
Joanna Miszewska
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Management of UG Material Assents
Material Assets - Accounting
mgr Monika Miszkowicz-Brylowska
Faculty of Biology
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Biology
dr hab. Arkadiusz Misztal, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of American Studies
dr inż. Janusz Młodzianowski
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Formal Languages
mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz
Faculty of Management
Department of Marketing
dr hab. Michał Mochocki, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Division of Didactic History
dr hab. Arkadiusz Modrzejewski, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Contemporary History and Political Thought
dr hab. Mirosława Modrzewska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Department of Performing Arts
dr Stanisław Modrzewski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of Research into English Language Literature
mgr Oleg Mokhorev
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Udostępniania i Informacji
mgr Jose Daniel Montano Delgado
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języków Germańskich, Romańskich i Słowiańskich
dr Michał Mońka
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Biomaterials and Medical Physics
mgr Magdalena Moran
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr Anna Morawiec
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Projektów
Project Financial Services Department
dr Joanna Morawska
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Biuro Finansów i Projektów Strategicznych
mgr Liliana Morawska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Dean's Office
mgr Joanna Morcinek-Orłowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Zakład Biologii Strukturalnej
dr hab. Izabela Morska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of Research into English Language Literature
dr Janusz Mosakowski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Department of Literary History
dr hab. Marek Mosakowski, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Romance Literatures
dr Damian Moskalewicz
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Department of Geomorphology and Quarternary Geology
Pracownia Rekonstrukcji Geomorfologicznych
dr Marta Moskot
Faculty of Biology
Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
mgr Irena Moszczyńska-Janicka
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr Małgorzata Moszyńska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Special Education
mgr Jolanta Moś
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Payroll Department
dr Szymon Paweł Moś
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Financial Law
dr Agata Motyka-Pomagruk
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology
Research and Development Laboratory
dr hab. Andre Moura, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Department of Molecular Evolution
mgr Michał Mozolewski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
dr Julia Możdżeń
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Division of Polish Medieval History and Auxiliary Sciences
prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Division of Polish Medieval History and Auxiliary Sciences
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Uniwersytecki Ośrodek Badań Stosowanych i Międzyobszarowych
Centrum Badań Memlingowskich
Katarzyna Mówińska
Faculty of Chemistry
Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry
dr hab. Maciej Mroczkowski
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Geometry
dr Rafał Mroczkowski
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Financial Law
mgr Ewa Mrozek
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr inż. Jolanta Mrozek-Kwiatkowska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Daniela Mrozińska
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja Rozrachunków
prof. dr hab. Michał Mrozowicki
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Zakład Studiów Strategicznych i Bezpieczeństwa
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Centrum Zrównoważonego Rozwoju
foundations and companies
Spółka celowa Univentum Labs sp. z. o. o.
mgr inż. Piotr Mrozowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Armatora z jednostką r/v Oceanograf.
dr Elżbieta Mrożek
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Didactics of Mathematics
dr Nikodem Mrożek
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Real Functions
dr Dominika Mróz-Szarmach
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Civil Procedure
mgr Inez Mruk
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Specjalist Laboratories
dr hab. Iwona Mruk, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Microbiology
dr Urszula Mrzygłód
Faculty of Economics
Department of Sustainable Market Processes
mgr Iwona Mucha
Faculty of Biology
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Biology
dr hab. Piotr Mucha, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biochemistry
Pracownia Chemii Związków Biologicznie Czynnych
mgr Anna Muchlińska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
mgr Marta Mularczyk
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Projektów
dr Ewa Mulkiewicz
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Analytics
Pracownia Analityki i Diagnostyki Chemicznej
mgr Marc Phillip Müller
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Specjalist Laboratories
prof. dr hab. Natalia Mushak
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions
dr hab. Kazimierz Musiał, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
Mariusz Musiał
Faculty of Chemistry
Supplies and Technical Services
Sekcja Aparatury i Zamówień Publicznych
mgr Natalia Musiał
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Specjalist Laboratories
mgr inż. Piotr Musz
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Inwestycji i Remontów
mgr Maryna Muszczek
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Specjalist Laboratories
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
dr Magdalena Muszel
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociology of Public Issues and Economics
mgr Lidia Muszyńska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Education Department
mgr Joanna Muzolf
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Gdańsk University of the Third Age
Natalia Muża
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Hel Sites
dr Szymon Myga
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Topology
mgr inż. Sylwia Myrta
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Faculty of Social Sciences Building
dr Kamil Myszczyński
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
Agata Myszka
Central Administration
University Newspaper "Gazeta Uniwersytecka"
dr hab. Henryk Myszka, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Anna Myszkowska
Central Administration
Rector's Office
Vice-Rector for Research
Office - Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Rzecznika Rzetelności Naukowej
dr Dorota Myślińska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
Laboratory of Neurophysiology
dr Aleksandra Naczk
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Department of Molecular Evolution
dr inż. Joanna Nadolna
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
dr hab. Aleksandra Nadolska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Financial Law
Iwona Nadolska
Faculty of Management
Dean's Office
Part-Time Studies
mgr Monika Nagórska
Faculty of History
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Historycznego
dr hab. Krzysztof Najman, prof. UG
Faculty of Management
Department of Statistics
mgr inż. Miłosz Nakielski
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Inwestycji i Remontów
dr hab. Joanna Nakonieczna, prof. UG
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
mgr Anna Nalewaja
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Projektów
Project Financial Services Department
mgr Lucyna Namiotko
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Laboratory of Genetics
prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Namiotko
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Laboratory of Biosystematics and Ecology of Aquatic Invertebrates
dr hab. Magdalena Narajczyk
Faculty of Biology
Electron Microscopy Section
mgr Katarzyna Narloch
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Human Resources Department
dr Paulina Nastały
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
Skrzypkowska Natalia
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
Biuro Centrum
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Natkaniec
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Real Functions
Dorota Naujocks
dr Ewa Nawrocka
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of English Language Translation Studies
dr Ewelina Nawrocka
Faculty of Management
Department of Investments and Real Estate
mgr Justyna Nawrocka
Faculty of Economics
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Ekonomicznego
Małgorzata Nawrocka
Central Administration
Centrum Zarządzania Dokumentacją i Archiwum
General Chancellor’s Office
dr hab. Justyna Nawrot
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Maritime Law
dr hab. Oktawian Nawrot, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law and State
mgr Marta Nazaruk
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr inż. Gracjana Necel
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Admissions Office
dr Alessandro Negri
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology
dr Iga Nehring
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Persistent Organic Pollutants
mgr Małgorzata Nehring
Faculty of Languages
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego
Institute of English and American Studies
prof. dr hab. Janusz Neider
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Bożena Nejman-Faleńczyk, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Biologii i Biotechnologii Bakteriofagów
dr inż. Anna Nenca
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Formal Languages
dr Jakub Neumann, prof. UG
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Division of Artificial Intelligence
Deputy Dean for Education
mgr Lilia Neumann
Faculty of Economics
Department of Macroeconomics
mgr Tomasz Neumann
Central Administration
University Newspaper "Gazeta Uniwersytecka"
dr Troung Co Nguyen
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Theoretical Chemistry
Pracownia Modelowania Molekularnego
dr Zdzisław Nieckarz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Workshop - Psychology of Business Research
mgr Magdalena Nieczuja-Goniszewska
Central Administration
Rzecznik Prasowy
dr Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Non-European Country Studies
dr hab. Paweł Niedziałkowski, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Pracownia Elektroanalizy i Biosensorów
dr Kamil Niedziółka
Faculty of History
Institute of Archeology and Ethnology
Division of Prehistoric Archaeology
mgr Małgorzata Niedzwiecka
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Civil Law
Anna Niedźwiecka
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Oliwa II - Buildings
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