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dr Martin Blaszk
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Glottodydaktyki i Przetwarzania Języka Naturalnego
mgr Adela Bledea
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Zakład Biologii Strukturalnej
mgr Aleksandra Blinkiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean's Office
dr Sylwia Bloch
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Biologii i Biotechnologii Bakteriofagów
dr Agata Błaszczyk
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Biology and Ecology
Division of Marine Biotechnology
mgr Alina Błaszczyk
Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean's Office
mgr Cezary Błaszczyk
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Gdynia Sites
mgr Agnieszka Błaszkowska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr Małgorzata Błaszkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
Division of German Language and Translation Studies
Maciej Bławat
Central Administration
IT Centre
Software Development Department
mgr Kamila Błażejewska
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Pracownia Biotechnologii Roślin
prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Błażejowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Magdalena Błażek, prof. GUMed
Central Administration
Biuro Rzecznika ds. Równego Traktowania i Przeciwdziałania Mobbingowi
mgr Hellden Bo
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
mgr Anna Bobkiewicz
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Zespół obsługi jednostek wydziałowych
mgr Marek Bobkiewicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
dr Adam Bochentyn
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Court Proceedings
mgr Katarzyna Bocheńska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
Michał Bocheński
Faculty of Languages
mgr Klaudia Bochniarz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Social Psychology
Małgorzata Bocian
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Payroll Department
mgr Marek Bocian
Central Administration
Centrum Zamówień Publicznych
Dział Zamówień Publicznych
mgr Małgorzata Boduch
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
dr Jadwiga Bodzińska-Bobkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Romance Literatures
mgr Michał Bogdanowicz
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Department of Geomorphology and Quarternary Geology
mgr Krystyna Bogucka
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
dr hab. Izabela Bogumił, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Zakład Filologii Klasycznej
mgr Cezary Bogus
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
Laboratory of Geobotanics and Nature Conservation
dr hab. Mariusz Bogusz, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Administrative Proceedings and Administrative Court Proceedings
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Bohdanowicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Piotr Bohdziewicz
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr hab. Eugeniusz Bojanowski, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Błażej Bojarski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Evolutionary Entoology and Museum of Amber Inclusions
prof. dr hab. Piotr Bojarski
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Biomaterials and Medical Physics
dr Monika Bokiniec
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, sociology and Jurnalism
Division of Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Bolałek
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Barbara Bollin-Matysiak
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
dr Alicja Bonk
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Department of Geomorphology and Quarternary Geology
Pracownia Badań Paleośrodowiskowych
mgr Edyta Bonusiak
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Finansów
dr Judyta Borchet
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Research on Family and Quality of Life
mgr Zuzanna Borda
Faculty of Economics
Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade
Division of Electronic Economy
dr Marta Borecka
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
mgr Katarzyna Borejsza
Central Administration
Muzeum Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Katarzyna Borkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Polish Language
mgr Marta Borkowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych
dr hab. Przemysław Borkowski, prof. UG
Faculty of Economics
Department of Transport Economics
dr hab. Andrzej Borman, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
dr Adam Borodo
Faculty of Economics
Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade
Division of Electronic Economy
mgr Małgorzata Boroń-Wawrzyniak
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języków Germańskich, Romańskich i Słowiańskich
dr Aleksandra Borowicz
Faculty of Economics
Department of International Economics and Economic Development
mgr Marcin Borowicz
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
Monika Borowicz
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Dean's Office - Faculty of Biotechnology
mgr Maria Borowska-Beszta
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology
dr Agata Borowska-Pietrzak
Faculty of Management
Katedra Zachowań Organizacyjnych
mgr Magdalena Borucka
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Research and Technical Support Unit
dr hab. Marcin Boryczko, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Social Pedagogy
dr hab. Alicja Boryło, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Pracownia Analityki i Radiochemii Środowiska
dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
Division of German Literature and Culture
dr Tomasz Borzyszkowski
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Informatics
Zakład Inżynierii Oprogramowania
dr Lidia Boss
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
dr hab. Agnieszka Bógdał-Brzezińska, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Zakład Geografii Politycznej
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
mgr Joanna Bórkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
dr hab. Artur Bracki, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Division of Slavonic and Balkan Studies
dr Katarzyna Bradtke
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Oceanografii Fizycznej i Badań Klimatu
Division of Physical Oceanography
prof. dr hab. Marion Brandt
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
Division of German Literature and Culture
mgr Izabela Braun-Gwiazdowska
Faculty of Languages
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego
mgr Małgorzata Brejt
Faculty of Biology
Department of General and Medical Biochemistry
dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry
dr Mariusz Brodnicki
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of General Pedagogy
dr Wojciech Brodziński
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Oceanografii Fizycznej i Badań Klimatu
Division of Physical Oceanography
mgr Rafał Brokowski
Central Administration
IT Centre
Sekcja Wsparcia Użytkowników - Help Desk
mgr Magdalena Broniewska-Lenarczyk
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr Dorota Bronk
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Research on Childhood and School
dr Maciej Brosz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Zakład Socjologii Sportu i Zdrowia
dr Patrycja Brudzińska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Research on Childhood and School
mgr Dominika Brulińska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office for International Cooperation
mgr Elżbieta Brycka
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Dean's Office
prof. dr hab. Hanna Brycz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Social Psychology
dr Marcin Brycz
Faculty of Economics
Department of Microeconomics
mgr Alicja Brysz
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Evolutionary Entoology and Museum of Amber Inclusions
mgr Katarzyna Bryszkowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
mgr Ewa Brzana
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Dean's Office - Faculty of Biotechnology
dr Sandra Brzeska
Faculty of Chemistry
Katedra Chemii Bionieorganicznej
Pracownia Oddziaływań Międzycząsteczkowych
dr Jakub Brzeski
Faculty of Chemistry
Katedra Chemii Bionieorganicznej
Pracownia Oddziaływań Międzycząsteczkowych
mgr Marcin Brzeski
Central Administration
Office for Legal Affairs
dr Barbara Brzezicka
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Romance Linguistics
dr Emilia Brzezicka
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Department of Plant Cytology and Embryology
dr Magdalena Brzezińska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Social Anthropology
Grzegorz Brzeziński
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
mgr Michał Brzeziński
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Administracja Budynków Międzyuczelnianego Wydziału Biotechnologii UG i GUMed
dr Krzysztof Brzozowski
Faculty of Chemistry
Physics-Chemistry Workshops
dr Gabriela Brzuska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Recombinant Vaccines
dr Iwona Bubak
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Culture Collection of Baltic Algae
mgr Emilia Bublijewska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Marine Geophysics Laboratory
dr Dorota Buchnowska
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Informatics
mgr Magdalena Buchowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
dr Grzegorz Bucior
Faculty of Management
Department of Accounting
mgr Jolanta Bucka
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Opracowania Zbiorów
mgr Gabriela Budnik
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Faculty of Matematics, Physics and Informatics Office
mgr Robert Budnik
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Psyhical Education and Sports Centre
dr Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Sport Psychology
mgr Monika Budzińska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Sekcja Promocji
mgr Stanisława Budzisz-Cysewska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
mgr inż. Magdalena Bugaj
Central Administration
IT Centre
Adam Bukowski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Amadeusz Bukowski
Central Administration
IT Centre
IT Systems Management Section
mgr Darshika Thejan Bulathwatta
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Akademickie Centrum Wsparcia Psychologicznego
dr Magdalena Bulińska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Iberian Studies
dr hab. Tarzycjusz Buliński, prof. UG
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Division of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Swietłana Burchanow
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Neofilologiczna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Małgorzata Burczy
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Dział Zarządzania Nieruchomościami i Logistyki
dr hab. Bogdan Burliga, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Zakład Filologii Klasycznej
prof. dr hab. Jan Burnewicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Dorota Burska, prof. UG
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Marine Environment Protection
dr Katarzyna Bury
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
mgr Aleksandra Burzacka-Hinz
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
mgr Natalia Burzyńska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
prof. dr hab. Przemysław Busse
Faculty of Biology
Bird Migration Research Station
inż. Dominika Butkiewicz
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
mgr Ewa Butkiewicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Udostępniania i Informacji
mgr Grażyna Butrykowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology and ethology
mgr Weronika Butza
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Education Department
mgr Beata Byczkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
mgr inż. Mateusz Byczkowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Press Office
dr inż. Irena Bylińska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Biomedical Chemistry
Pracownia Chemii Medycznej
dr hab. Magda Caban, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Analytics
Pracownia Analityki i Monitoringu Środowiska
dr hab. Małgorzata Cackowska, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Philosophy of Education and Cultural Studies
dr hab. Marcin Całbecki, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Department of Literary History
dr Gabriela Całka-Kuc
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Biomedical Chemistry
Pracownia Chemii Medycznej
dr Clement Car
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Pracownia Genomiki Ewolucyjnej Ssaków
mgr Paulo Cavalcanti
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
dr inż. Onur Cavdar
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
dr Marta Cebera
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Drama, Theatre and Performance
dr Grzegorz Cech
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Research and Technical Support Unit
dr Goksu Celikkol
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Intercultural Psychology and Gender Psychology
mgr Marta Cemka
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja Rozliczeń Działalności Dydaktycznej i Funduszy
dr inż. Grzegorz Cerkowniak
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Oceanografii Fizycznej i Badań Klimatu
Division of Physical Oceanography
dr Grażyna Chaberek
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Spatial Management
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
mgr Ewelina Chacia
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of Russian Language Pragmatics, Communication and Didactics
dr hab. Maja Chacińska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
mgr Patrycja Chajec
Central Administration
Centrum Zamówień Publicznych
Dział Zamówień Publicznych
dr Michał Chalastra
Faculty of Management
Department of Accounting
mgr Izabela Charun
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Career Office
dr Irena Chawrilska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Applied Polish Studies
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Centrum Zrównoważonego Rozwoju
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Akademickie Centrum Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej dla Cudzoziemców
mgr Katarzyna Cherbetko-Zygmuntowicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Sekcja Zarządzania Danymi Badawczymi i Otwartej Nauki
mgr Remigiusz Chęciński
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Public International Law
dr hab. Anna Chęćka, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, sociology and Jurnalism
Division of Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture
mgr Liao Chia-Ying
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of East Asian Culture and Languages
mgr Alicja Chilińska-Pułkowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Logopaedics
dr Izabela Chincinska
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Pracownia Biotechnologii Roślin
mgr Aleksandra Chlebowicz
Faculty of Languages
Dean's Office
Remigiusz Chlebowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
Zakład Poligrafii
dr Izabela Chlost
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Hydrologii
Department of Hydrology
dr Rafał Chmara
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology
mgr Aleksandra Chmarzyńska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Językoznawstawa Teoretycznego i Komputerowego
mgr Beata Chmiel
Faculty of Economics
Department of Logistics
dr Alicja Chmielewska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Teaching Laboratories
mgr Joanna Chmielewska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
mgr Katarzyna Chmielewska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Dean's office
mgr Klaudia Chmielewska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Pracownia Chemoinformatyki Środowiska
mgr Marta Chmielewska
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
dr Mariusz Chmielewski
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
mgr Paula Chmielowska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law and State
dr Alicja Chmiołek
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of American Studies
mgr Katarzyna Chmur
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Pracownia Fizykochemii Związków Kompleksowych
mgr Weronika Chmura
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
mgr Ewa Chmurzyńska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office for International Cooperation
prof. dr hab. inż. Lech Chmurzyński
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Ewa Chojnacka
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Ekonomiczna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Marzena Chojnacka
foundations and companies
Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Renata Chojnacka
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Student Social Affairs
Student Dormitories Oliwa
dr hab. Hieronim Chojnacki, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Marzena Chojnowska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
dr Karol Chojnowski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Division of English Language Translation Studies
mgr inż. Łukasz Chołody
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology and ethology
mgr Małgorzata Chomentowska
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Controlling Department
dr Lidia Chomicz-Mańka
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Pracownia Sensybilizatorów Biologicznych
dr Dominik Chomik
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of Media Theory, History and Language
inż. Krzysztof Chrabąszczewski
Central Administration
IT Centre
Programming Development
mgr Katarzyna Chroł
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Management of UG Material Assents
Material Assets - Accounting
mgr Ewa Chrostowska
Faculty of Management
Department of Accounting
dr Ilona Chruściak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Zakład Filologii Klasycznej
dr Elżbieta Chruściel
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
dr Magdalena Chrzan-Dętkoś
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology
Ewa Chrzanowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
Zakład Poligrafii
prof. dr hab. Bogdan Chrzanowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr inż. Paweł Chwaszczyński
Central Administration
IT Centre
Programming Development
prof. dr hab. Stefan Chwin
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Agnieszka Chylewska, prof. UG
Faculty of Chemistry
Katedra Chemii Bionieorganicznej
Pracownia Oddziaływań Międzycząsteczkowych
dr inż. Marta Chylińska
Faculty of Management
Department of Econometrics
mgr Tomasz Chyrek
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Technology Transfer Centre
prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Ciarkowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Patryk Ciborowski
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Pracownia Chemoinformatyki Środowiska
mgr Iwona Cich
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języków Germańskich, Romańskich i Słowiańskich
mgr Aleksandra Cicharska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Magdalena Cichowicz-Cieślak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
Aleksandra Ciechanowicz
Faculty of Languages
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego
Institute of Logopaedics
prof. dr hab. Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Mateusz Ciechanowski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology and ethology
dr Karolina Ciechorska-Kulesza
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Social Anthropology
Pomorska Pracownia Badań nad Kulturą
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