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dr Dominika Piasecka
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Molecular Enzymology and Oncology
mgr Anna Piask-Miszkinis
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Zastępca Kwestora ds. Finansów
Financial Settlement Unit
dr Małgorzata Piechowicz-Bogaczyk
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Social Pathology and Social Rehabilitation
dr inż. Aleksandra Pieczyńska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Technology
Pracownia Fotokatalizy
mgr Aleksandra Pieczyńska-Poszewiecka
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Gromadzenia i Uzupełniania Zbiorów
dr Beata Pieczyńska-Uziębło
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
mgr Natalia Piekarczyk
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
Pracownia Bioenergetyki
mgr Dorota Piekarska-Sak
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Inwestycji i Remontów
dr hab. Romuald Piekarski, prof. UG
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr inż. Agnieszka Piekarz
Central Administration
Vice – Rector for Cooperation and Development
Controlling Department
Artur Piekur
Faculty of Languages
mgr Agata Pielowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Evolutionary Entoology and Museum of Amber Inclusions
Wiesława Pieńkowska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Pracownia Fizykochemii Związków Kompleksowych
mgr Michał Pierański
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
dr hab. Karolina Pierzynowska, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Neurogenetyki Molekularnej
mgr Maciej Pietkiewicz
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Department of Molecular Evolution
Laboratory of Biosystematics and Ecology of Aquatic Invertebrates
dr Elżbieta Pietraś
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of Russian Language Pragmatics, Communication and Didactics
dr Kamil Pietrowiak
Faculty of History
Instytut Antropologii
Zakład Etnologii Polski i Antropologii Historii
Joanna Pietrusik
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Student Social Affairs
Student Dormitories Oliwa
mgr Magdalena Pietruszewska
Central Administration
Centrum Zamówień Publicznych
Dział Zamówień Publicznych
Jan Pietruszewski
Central Administration
IT Centre
Faculty Networks Administration
Magdalena Pietrzak
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
Biuro Wsparcia Badań i Współpracy z Przemysłem
Sekcja Administracyjnego Wsparcia Badań
mgr Monika Pietrzak
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Department of Employee Social Affairs
mgr Agnieszka Piękos-Dubiel
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Project European University of the Seas – SEA-EU Office
mgr Marta Pięta-Chrystofiak
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
Division of Social Pathology and Social Rehabilitation
dr Paweł Pijas
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, sociology and Jurnalism
Division of Ethics and Social Philosophy
Izabela Pilewska
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Payroll Department
dr hab. Małgorzata Pilot, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Genetics and Biosystematics
Pracownia Genomiki Ewolucyjnej Ssaków
mgr Aleksandra Pilżys
Faculty of Languages
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego
Institute of English and American Studies
mgr Anna Pior-Kucińska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
Division of German Language and Translation Studies
dr hab. Jacek Piosik, prof. UG
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biophysics
mgr Mikołaj Piotrkowski
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Virus Molecular Biology
dr Dariusz Piotrowiak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Department of Literary History
mgr Anastazja Piotrowicz
Central Administration
Office for Legal Affairs
Michalina Piotrowicz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Wydawnictwo UG
dr Ewa Piotrowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Immunologii Komórkowej i Molekularnej
mgr Iwona Piotrowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
Office - Disability Issues
Małgorzata Piotrowska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Research and Technical Support Unit
dr hab. Andrzej Piotrowski, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Personality Psychology and Forensic Psychology
dr Grzegorz Piotrowski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociology of Public Issues and Economics
dr hab. Grzegorz Piotrowski, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Division of Culture Studies
Katarzyna Piotrzkowska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Sekcja Usług Introligatorskich
mgr inż. Piotr Piórecki
Central Administration
IT Centre
Programming Development
mgr inż. Paweł Piórko
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds. Inwestycji i Remontów
Dział Inwestycji i Remontów
dr Artur Piróg
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
dr Piotr Pisarewicz
Faculty of Management
Department of Banking and Finance
mgr Kamila Piskunowicz
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
mgr Marcin Pitek
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Evolutionary Biochemistry
mgr Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Zespół obsługi jednostek wydziałowych
mgr Daria Pizuńska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Psychometrics and Statistics
mgr Aneta Plaskiewicz
Faculty of History
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Historycznego
mgr Beata Plebanek
Faculty of Biology
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Biology
prof. dr hab. Danuta Plecka
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Diovision of Political Systems
mgr Joanna Pleńkowska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
mgr Asia Pleskot
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office for International Cooperation
mgr Karol Plichta
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Department of Linguistics
prof. dr hab. Marcin Pliński
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Karolina Plucińska
Faculty of Biology
Department of Animal and Human Physiology
Laboratory of Neurophysiology
Elżbieta Pluta
Faculty of Languages
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Halina Płatek
Faculty of Biology
Department of General and Medical Biochemistry
mgr Marzena Płatek
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Editorial Office of "Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies"
dr Maciej Pławski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Applied Linguistics
Zakład Badań nad Dyskursem i Translacją
dr Katarzyna Płonka-Bałus
Faculty of History
Institute of Art History
Division of Medieval Art
mgr Małgorzata Joanna Płończak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Iberian Studies
dr Renata Płoska
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
mgr Anna Płotka
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
mgr Iwona Płotka
Faculty of Languages
Institute of German Philology
dr hab. Magdalena Płotka, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Microbiology
dr Monika Płuciennik
Central Administration
Centrum Zarządzania Dokumentacją i Archiwum
dr Filip Pniewski
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Ecosystems Functioning
dr Agnieszka Pobłocka
Faculty of Management
Department of Statistics
mgr Katarzyna Poborca
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office for International Cooperation
mgr Monika Pochmara
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Sekcja Rozliczeń Publiczno-Prawnych
dr inż. Joanna Poczobut
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Ilona Poćwierz-Marciniak
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Zakład Neuropsychologii
Wioletta Podgórska
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Faculty of Social Sciences Building
Adam Podgórski
Central Administration
Centrum Zamówień Publicznych
Dział Monitoringu Realizacji Zamówień Publicznych
dr hab. Magdalena Podlacha, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
Pracownia Immunologii Komórkowej i Molekularnej
mgr Magdalena Podlaska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Scandinavian Studies
dr Jerzy Podlewski
Faculty of Economics
Department of Macroeconomics
dr Anna Podolska
Faculty of Law and Administration
Division of Human Rights and Legal Ethics
mgr Paweł Podolski
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Zakład Produkcji Form Audiowizualnych
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Pogorzelski
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Acoustics and Nuclear Physics
mgr Dorota Pokora
Central Administration
IT Centre
Sekcja Wsparcia Użytkowników - Help Desk
dr hab. Wojciech Pokora, prof. UG
Faculty of Biology
Katedra Biologii Eksperymentalnej i Biotechnologii Roślin
Pracownia Biotechnologii Roślin
Deputy Dean for Master's degree studies
dr Jacek Pokrzywnicki
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Zakład Filologii Klasycznej
mgr Zuzanna Polakiewicz
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Molecular Enzymology and Oncology
mgr Joanna Poliwodzińska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Biuro Wsparcia Realizacji Projektów
mgr Ewa Polonis-Galant
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Human Resources Department
dr Marcin Połom
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Regional Development Geography
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Hanna Połomska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Iberian Studies
dr Piotr Połomski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Psychometrics and Statistics
mgr Ada Połońska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry
mgr Monika Pomiankiewicz
Central Administration
Centrum Zarządzania Dokumentacją i Archiwum
UG Archive
mgr Anna Pomierska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean's Office
dr Justyna Pomierska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Applied Polish Studies
dr hab. Ewa Pomirska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Applied Polish Studies
dr hab. Zofia Pomirska, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Division of Applied Polish Studies
dr n. med. inż. Dorota Pomorska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Organizational units common to the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk
Teaching Laboratories
Justyna Poniewierska
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
Department of Marketing
mgr Nikodem Ponikwicki
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Division of Acoustics and Nuclear Physics
mgr Nikodem Ponikwicki
Central Administration
Zastępca Kanclerza ds . HR
Health and Safety Inspectorate
dr inż. arch. Marta Popaszkiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Economic Geography
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
mgr Marta Popęda
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Translational Oncology
mgr Piotr Porzuczek
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Informatics
dr hab. Andrzej Posiewnik
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Elżbieta Posłajko
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Prawna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr Łukasz Pospieszny
Faculty of History
Institute of Archeology and Ethnology
Division of Prehistoric Archaeology
mgr Daria Postek
Faculty of Economics
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Economics
dr Andrzej Poszewiecki
Faculty of Economics
Department of Macroeconomics
foundations and companies
Spółka celowa Univentum Labs sp. z. o. o.
Wioletta Potakowska
Faculty of Languages
Dean's Office
dr inż. Joanna Potapowicz
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Katedra Hydrologii
Department of Hydrology
prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Potrykus
Faculty of Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
Isotope Laboratory
dr Marta Potrykus
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
dr hab. Jacek Potulski, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Material Criminal Law and Criminology
Division of Criminology
dr hab. Jakub Potulski, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Contemporary History and Political Thought
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Powałowski
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Klub Profesora Emerytowanego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dr hab. Izabela Pozierak-Trybisz
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Romance Linguistics
Wojciech Prabucki
Faculty of Languages
prof. dr hab. Adam Prahl
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Organic Chemistry
Pracownia Chemii Peptydów
mgr Mirosława Prahl
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Bibliografii i Bibliometrii
mgr Karol Prais
Central Administration
IT Centre
Software Development Department
mgr Krystyna Pranga
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych
mgr Tushita Prasad
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
mgr Vincius Pretti Rossi
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
Magdalena Prokop
Faculty of History
Dean's Office
dr Eugeniusz Pronin
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology
mgr Lucyna Prośniewska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Biuro Centrum Języków Obcych
dr Joanna Próchniak
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Economics
mgr Anna Prusak
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
mgr Marta Prusinowska
Faculty of Chemistry
Supplies and Technical Services
Sekcja Aparatury i Zamówień Publicznych
mgr Michał Prusiński
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology
mgr Katarzyna Pruska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology
dr Michał Pruszak
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Akademickie Centrum Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej dla Cudzoziemców
dr Dorota Pryputniewicz-Flis
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Division of Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Laboratory of Marine Environment Protection
dr Janusz Przewocki
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Set Theory
mgr Agnieszka Przybylska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
mgr Emilia Przybylska
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
dr hab. Lucyna Przybylska, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Spatial Management
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Jacek Przybylski
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Sport Psychology
Żaneta Przybyła
Central Administration
Deputy Chancellor – Administration
Administration and Transport
Faculty of Biology Building
dr hab. Piotr Przybysz, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, sociology and Jurnalism
Division of Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture
mgr Anna Przychodzka
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the Gdańsk Medical University
Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology
Department of Molecular Enzymology and Oncology
prof. dr hab. Mirosław Przylipiak
Faculty of Languages
Instytut Badań nad Kulturą
Division of Film and Media
prof. dr hab. Józef Przytycki
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Institute of Mathematics
Division of Geometry
prof. dr hab. Alicja Pstyga
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
Division of Russian Language and Translation Studies
dr Natalia Ptaszyńska
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biochemistry
Pracownia Chemii Bioorganicznej
mgr Mateusz Puchalski
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Systematic Zoology
mgr Michał Puchalski
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biopolymers Structure
Magdalena Pudlińska
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Department of Geomorphology and Quarternary Geology
mgr Artur Pukownik
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Classical and Slavonic Studies
Zakład Filologii Klasycznej
mgr Angelika Puławska
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Biblioteka Humanistyczna Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
mgr Tomasz Pupacz
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality
UG Academic Cultural Center “Alternator”
dr Beata Purc
Faculty of History
Institute of Art History
Division of Art Theory
mgr Dominik Purzycki
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Evolutionary Biochemistry
mgr Piotr Purzycki
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Zakład Biologii Strukturalnej
mgr Jakub Puszkarski
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Maritime Law
dr Małgorzata Puto
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Zakład Studiów Globalnych i Regionalnych
mgr Krystian Puzdrakiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Department of Regional Development Geography
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Puzyn
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Pracownia Chemoinformatyki Środowiska
dr Joanna Puzyrewska-Deja
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języków Germańskich, Romańskich i Słowiańskich
dr hab. Dorota Pyć, prof. UG
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Maritime Law
mgr Małgorzata Pyrcha
Faculty of Biology
Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation
mgr Alicja Pyskło
Central Administration
Organisation Office
dr hab. Gilles Quentel, prof. UG
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Romance Philology
Division of Romance Linguistics
mgr Joanna Rachwalska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Education
mgr Edyta Raczuk
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biotechnology
Rebeka Raczyńska
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Centrum Kursów i Szkoleń
dr Rafał Raczyński
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences
Division of Non-European Country Studies
dr hab. Oleksandr Radchenko, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Zakład Geografii Politycznej
Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
dr Sławomir Radomski
Faculty of Management
Department of Business Informatics
mgr Konrad Radomyski
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Glottodydaktyki i Przetwarzania Języka Naturalnego
mgr Piotr Radzikowski
Central Administration
Prorektor ds. Kształcenia
Foreign Languages Centre
Zespół Lektorów Języka Angielskiego
dr hab. Wioletta Radziwiłłowicz, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Psychology
Division of Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology
dr Dominika Rafalska
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej
Division of Journalism and Media
mgr Chithra Raj
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
dr Magdalena Rajewska
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Plant Microbiology
prof. dr hab. Janusz Rak
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Pracownia Sensybilizatorów Biologicznych
inż. Patryk Rakoczy
Central Administration
IT Centre
IT Systems Management Section
Agnieszka Rakowska
Central Administration
Rector's Office
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations.
Office - Vice-Rector for IT Development and Internationalisation
dr hab. Dorota Rancew-Sikora, prof. UG
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociological Theory and Social Reasearch Methodology
dr Aleksandra Rapacka-Zdończyk
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics
mgr Izabela Raszczyk
Central Administration
International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science
dr Maciej Rataj
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Department of Linguistics
Alicja Ratajczyk
Central Administration
Vice-Rector for Research
Library of the University of Gdansk
Sekcja Usług Introligatorskich
mgr Ricard Ravell
Central Administration
Międzynarodowe Centrum Teorii Technologii Kwantowych (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies)
dr Łukasz Rąbalski
Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk
Faculty Units at the University of Gdańsk
Institute of Biotechnology
Laboratory of Recombinant Vaccines
mgr Michał Redlisiak
Faculty of Biology
Bird Migration Research Station
mgr inż. Barbara Redzik
Central Administration
Centrum Zamówień Publicznych
Dział Zamówień Publicznych
dr Joanna Redzimska
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
Zakład Językoznawstawa Teoretycznego i Komputerowego
dr Anna Reglińska-Jemioł
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Polish Language
Department of Literary History
mgr Aneta Rejment
Faculty of Languages
Institute of Russian and Eastern Studies
mgr Paulina Rejniewicz
Faculty of Languages
Institute of English and American Studies
prof. dr hab. Piotr Rekowski
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biochemistry
Pracownia Chemii Związków Biologicznie Czynnych
dr Tomasz Rembalski
Faculty of History
Institute of History
Zakład Historii Gdańska, Pomorza i Regionu Nadbałtyckiego
dr Łukasz Remisiewicz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Instytut Socjologii
Division of Sociological Theory and Social Reasearch Methodology
dr hab. Magdalena Remisiewicz
Faculty of Biology
Bird Migration Research Station
dr Leszek Reszka, prof. UG
Faculty of Economics
Department of Logistics
Deputy Dean Science and Education
mgr Magdalena Reszka
Faculty of Economics
Dean’s Office – Faculty of Economics
mgr Olga Reutt
Faculty of Oceanography and Geography
Department of Geomorphology and Quarternary Geology
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