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Education Verification Request

Education Verification Request

2018, July 27 - 12:31pm
Dział Ksztacłenia

Dear Sir/Ms:

In order to receive confirmation of the field of study and graduation of a University of Gdańsk graduate, please send (electronically or on paper) the consent form for the processing of personal data, signed by the person whose education you wish to have confirmed. This is legal requirement and we cannot supply any information until we receive such a signed consent  form.

Verification of the education of students, PhD students, graduates of the University of Gdańsk and post-graduate non-degree students is done only through the Department of Education.

Requests for confirmation of education should be sent to: weryfikacja@ug.edu.pl

We would like to kindly inform you that the verification of education may take from one week to several weeks, depending on the period of studying the Verified Person.