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Authorities and Administration

The Authorities of the University of Gdańsk 2020-2024

2022, September 1 - 1:59pm

Rector of the University of Gdańsk, Professor Piotr Stepnowski

tel.: +48 58 523 24 07
fax: +48 58 523 57 00
e-mail: rector@ug.edu.pl


Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Professor Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler

tel.: +48 58 523 20 36
fax: +48 58 553 25 36
e-mail: rector_international@ug.edu.pl


Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Wiesław Laskowski

tel.: +48 58 523 20 41
fax: +48 58 523 24 37
e-mail: rector_science@ug.edu.pl


Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation, Professor Sylwia Mrozowska

tel.: +48 58 523 20 18
fax: +48 58 523 24 37
e-mail: rector_development@ug.edu.pl


Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality, Professor Arnold Kłonczyński

tel.: +48 58 523 24 40
fax: +48 58 553 25 36
e-mail: rector_students@ug.edu.pl


Chancellor of the University of Gdańsk, mgr Jacek Jętczak

tel.: +48 58 523 20 08
+48 58 523 23 07
tel./fax: +48 58 552 30 51
e-mail: kanclerz@ug.edu.pl