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Tourism and Hospitality - stacjonarne II stopnia

Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism and Hospitality
Academic year: 2025/2026

Faculty of Social Sciences


During the Tourism&Hospitality course students will acquire knowledge in the field of economic, social and environmental determinants of tourism as a human activity and as a branch of the economy on a local and global scale.

After graduation, the graduate will be prepared to carry out tasks related to the management of a tourist destination and the preparation of comprehensive tourist products that take into account the cultural and environmental values and economic opportunities of a given location, as well as the needs and expectations of the local community. The course main objective is to prepare future professionals for the tourism and hospitality industry that will understand the importance of sustainable solutions in the spatial, economical and social development of tourism.

1st year: during the first year of studies you will be exposed to a high level of interdisciplinary knowledge related to tourism and hospitality (from infrastructure and business to governance and product design) as well as social and spatial research methods (i.e. GIS).

2nd year: the second year of study will be dedicated to understanding risks and challenges related to tourism development as well as the creation of tourism products and the acquirement of skills needed in contemporary professional career.

From the second semester of your studies you will start preparing a diploma project under the supervision of our academics. The studies include a professional training and a field trip as well as participation in elective lectures from the University offer. 


Career opportunities:

•             national and local government institutions of various levels (tourism departments, DMO),

•             tourism business (tour operators, travel agencies, hotel management),

•             non-governmental organizations operating in the field of sustainable tourism development,

•             cultural institutions.

In addition graduates will be prepared to plan their own business in the tourism sector.

Acceptance criteria

kryteria kwalifikacyjne


Konkurs ocen na dyplomie – max 100 pkt 1)


1) Zasady przeliczania oceny na dyplomie na punkty określa § 12 ust. 2 i 3 Uchwały Senatu.



O przyjęcie na studia mogą ubiegać się absolwenci wszystkich kierunków studiów wyższych.

Do podjęcia studiów zalecana znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie B2 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego Rady Europy.

* Studia odpłatne prowadzone w języku angielskim. Wysokość odpłatności ustala Rektor zarządzeniem. 



Student place limits

general student place limit*: 26

Necessary documents


Last modified: 2024, December 30 - 12:38pm