The Faculty of Languages boasts the broadest didactic offer, and the largest number of staff and students at the University of Gdańsk. Our motto is: Language in culture, culture in language.
The Faculty provides 20 fields of study relating to the languages and culture of the world, the Baltic countries, Poland and the Pomerania region. The foregoing form part of the following scientific areas: philology, neophilology and cultural studies. We offer 13 philology degree courses (of which 11 neophilological), 6 cultural and artistic studies, and one, unique on a national scale, intercollegiate philological -and medical course - logopaedics (in collaboration with the Medical University of Gdańsk). We offer nearly 100 areas of specialisation in the framework of 20 first- and second-cycle, full time and part time degree courses. The Faculty offers doctoral studies and a wide range of post-graduate courses.