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The ”Agadir” dance group

The ”Agadir” dance group

2015, May 27 - 12:00pm

The ”Agadir” dance group

Dance allows us to express a whole range of emotions – from joy and affirmation to the unease of love and longing – all in an oriental version. In belly-dancing, every body movement is the movement of a brush on a canvas, painting a picture in dance for the public.

The “AGADIR” dance group is an original dance group working within the ACK “ALTERNATOR.” We won a distinction in the elimination rounds for the Festival of Academic Artistic Youth FAMA 2010. We combine classical Far Eastern dance with modern and European femininity to create something completely new. All this comes out in the energy and originality of our performances, creating in the place where we dance the real oriental magic and atmosphere of 1001 nights!

The ”Agadir” dance group