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Theater of Improvisation

Theater of Improvisation

2015, May 27 - 10:24am

teatr improwizacjiTheater of Improvisation

And somebody might now want to ask me, ‘Can't you ever be serious?’ The answer is, ‘No.’
Kurt Vonnegut, Armageddon in Retrospect

The Theater of Improvisation has operated within ACK since 2008. Hundreds of students from a wide array of faculties have tried out their skills with it – because it doesn’t matter what you do in your life, provided you just want to discover that spark of craziness in yourself.

Theater dictionaries define improvisation as “artistic activity combining a moment of creativity with performance.” Members of the group develop their acting skills through workshops in the course of which they learn to create scenes on the spot, building up worlds and figures out of nothing, opening up to people, working on getting hold of creativity, ease, and self-confidence (on the stage and in life). They demonstrate their skills in public shows all over the University.