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Marine Biotechnology - full-time Master's

Marine Biotechnology

stacjonarneII stopnia
Rok akademicki: 2024/2025

Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii


The multi-disciplinary studies in the field of Marine Biotechnology are conducted with the contribution of scientists from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography and the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. Some courses are also delivered by experts from other national and foreign institutions involved in biotechnology sector. The aim of the studies is to provide students with the most up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge of the possible biotechnological application of marine natural resources. During the studies, students will be introduced to the methods of sustainable farming of organisms in aquaculture and production of high-value pro-healthy products. 

The employment opportunities:

  • biotechnological companies that process marine natural resources in order to produce innovative products such as cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, functional food, biomaterials and pharmaceuticals
  • companies that farm aquatic organisms in aquacultures and are involved in sustainable food production
  • institutions concerned with environmental status, conservation of marine natural resources, and with the welfare of organisms in aquacultures
  • other companies, institutes and research laboratories as well as regional, national and foreign institutions involved in blue biotechnology sector





Kryteria przyjęć

1. Grades average from bachelor or master studies

2. An interview in English about candidate's interests related to Marine Biotechnology


Limity przyjęć i progi punktowe


Informacja na temat opłaty rekrutacyjnej oraz opłat za studia
Ostatnia modyfikacja: wtorek, 30 kwietnia 2024 roku, 8:31